Michael Hase

Campus Staff at UMD


About Michael

Michael grew up in a Christian home but didn't come to experience God's love until high school where he devoted his life to Christ. Coming into college, Michael was determined to find a Christian community and found OneU because of their openness and intentionality. As Michael grew to realize his gifts did not align with computer science, his aspirations of becoming a Cyber Operations Officer in the Air Force diminished, along with his full-ride scholarship. Battles with depression and losing purpose were hard for Michael, but his hope rested in Christ, and OneU community was a steady rock. As he began wrestling with the idol of money and started listening to God's call for his life, he felt the call to ministry. Thanks to peers and mentors, Michael discovered God calling him to military chaplaincy. God closed doors in his life but opened new ones.

During Michael's Junior year, his heart for bringing Christ into the military motivated Michael to start an Officer Christian Fellowship bible study for all ROTC branches at UMD. The challenge of leading a group from varying faith backgrounds helped Michael grow in centering around the Gospel and diving straight into God’s word as absolute truth. Michael is excited to study at Dallas Theological Seminary to earn a Master of Arts in Chaplaincy and Ministry Care.

In 2023, as Michael pursues his seminary degree, he is excited to play a key role in OneU’s growth toward a deeper connected community. As Michael was able to find identity and purpose in Christ during his college years, he wants students to find theirs in Christ as well. He is looking forward to discipling one-on-one with students and cadets and is excited to build them up as ambassadors for Christ.